In addition to our classic investment portfolios, we offer clients the option to invest in a range of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) portfolios which apply environmental, social and governance factors to investment selection and weighting. Nine of these SRI portfolios are shown below.
Our SRI portfolios combine all of the benefits of our classic portfolios but focus on excluding equity investments in companies with more than an incidental proportion of their revenue generated in activities including the production of tobacco, controversial weapons, nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon components.
While the above represent minimum exclusions, the vast majority funds within Highgate Partners portfolios will also take into account additional environmental and sustainability factors when considering their investments. Where applicable, these additional factors may include carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions or potential emissions, involvement in toxic spills or releases, child labour, civilian firearms, alcohol, pornography, gambling, or factory farming.
Click on the link below for a summary of how we provide SRI solutions in partnership with Consilium NZ Limited.
Consilium New Zealand - Our Approach To Socially Responsible Investing